Sheri's furdaily for the sfw got lots of complements and brought people in. Never had a problem and used it longer and more then any bot. User Activityģ1,897,601 What people are saying Maximus W.#8366 Sheri was awesome. Sheri might be a bot, but she's was programmed with a soul! Every line of code was written with love and care. If you want to see Sheri grow and thrive, consider becoming a Patreon. Without their support, Sheri wouldn't be here today. Sheri is supported by our wonderful Patrons. Want to see how? Try her for yourself! mdi-account-multiple Sheri is a rare bot indeed, custom designed by and for furries. Want to see everything Sheri can do? Take a look at her commands! She has a plethora of interactive commands, from quirky comebacks and image posts to playing your favorite music to being a one-man army against spam and raiders. She's been carefully crafted to make you feel at home, to make you feel welcome and cared for.
Sheri Blossom isn't just another furry bot. Currently serving 1,785,808 furries in 59,316 Discord servers for over 4 years mdi-discord Add me to your server!