But even so, they can often get the “it’s just a phase” line when they come out. High School High school students tend to have a better grasp of who they are. However, coming out this early in the game can be a huge relief, as you can start embracing your identity from a younger age. That’s why some otherwise well-meaning individuals might say coming out is “just a phase.” Bullying might also be more of a problem in middle school than it might be during high school or college. At this point, many kids are just starting to experiment and explore.
Middle School Middle school is a time when everyone is figuring out who they are and what they want out of life. Let’s look at how the timing of coming out can be different at various ages and stages. As with everything else in life: timing matters. It makes sense that students worry about getting it right. When Is the Right Time to Come Out as LGBTQ?Ĭhoosing to come out - to share something so important with those you care about - is an important step.